Music of the Plants Bamboo Device

Music of the Plants Bamboo Device


Since the 1970’s, Damanhur, a science based spiritual research community in Italy, has been conducting research on communication with the plant world. As a part of this research they created an instrument (Music of the Plants Device) which is able to perceive the electromagnetic variations from the surface of the plant leaves to the root system and translated the frequency into sound. Science increasingly supports the concept that plants operate with an innate intelligence and logic completely different from our own. Music of the Plants has taken research of plant intelligence and plant perception to another level. By deciphering and registering the impulses and interactions of plants, they have developed a device that uses a MIDI interface to transform the plant’s resistence from a leaf to the root system into music. Extensive research continues today with the idea that the sounds and frequencies these plants are emitting are actually healing for humans, especially when you make a connection and intention with the plant and sit with it for an hour to receive the healing frequencies.

With this instrument, you can enjoy the beautiful sounds and frequencies your plants are emitting and be receiving the exact tones that are healthy and healing for your body, mind and spirit!

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